Thursday, 5 May 2011

Scoot Off in the world's tiniest caravan

Spotted in the Daily Mail recently:  Now, you don't need a car to tow a caravan, with the recent launch of the world's smallest caravan, which can be pulled by, of all things, a mobility scooter!  Costing £5,500, the QTvan measures 6ft 6 inches by 2 ft 6 inches, and is small enough to travel along pavements (perish the thought) or even up a supermarket aisle (watch out Waitrose).  Although it is tiny, it has those refinements that making camping bearable, like a colour TV, radio, a drinks cabinet and a single bed. 

Developed by Environmental Transport Agency (ETA), the caravan is designed to highlight the estimated 220,000 people who use a mobility scooter without breakdown cover and face the prospect of a long wait should they suffer a mechanical fault or their battery runs flat.

The ETA called it the QTvan, because it caters to three very British obsessions: queuing, tea and caravans!

Photo's courtesy of
